This project titled: DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF COMPLAINTS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM, is a web-based application that can be accessed throughout the campus. This work was designed to aid the framework for an existing system which is manually based having demerit of inaccuracy, insecurity and poor performance. The obvious merit of online complaint handling system prompted this project to see ways of integrating our appeal process to the internet for speed, efficiency, security, accuracy, and reliability for student satisfaction. The system was implemented using HTML formatting language, MySQL database management for data keeping and JAVA programming language for server side program.
Abstract: This research explores the role of project management tools in improving project outcomes, with ob...
This study was carried out on the effect of information technology on the chi...
The aim of this project is to examine “Impact of Advertising on Consumer Purchases Decision” using...
This study was carried out on the use of raw materials inspection and its impact on quality of production using...
This research work examines simply the problems facing location of computer centres in rural areas. A case...
Voting is an action considered to be fundamental in a democratic setting. E-voting can be referred to as an ele...
Poverty has been a serious problem facing all society over the years. This paper critically analyses the co...
ABSTRACT: Assessing the benefits of early childhood education in dev...
Background to the study
Since the debt crisis in the early 1980s, attention has been focused on the out...
This study examine the impact of internally generated revenue IGR) on economic output in Kwara State from 1988 to 2017. The data...